Hello! One of the most important accessories regardless of era remains the hat. This head covering item is used for protection against weather conditions but also, as an important fashion must-have. There are so many styles, for every personality or wishes, but the most popular are: fedora, baseball hat, beannie and the beret. Nowadays is easy to find your style becouse so many hats are available. And if you are frightened to choose hats, you can find online so much information about styling it and about what fits you most. You need to be carefull concerning your face shape and your silhouette. For example, if you are tiny, a huge hat might look a little bit ridiculous. Also, if you are taller or bigger, a small hat is nor for you. Of course, the hat needs to fit your wardrobe and the occasion. Altough online is so much information, it might be a little bit tricky to find the right size for your hat. If you bought a wool hat and it's a little bit to large, you can sh...
Hello! In urma cu cativa ani va recomandam, pe rand, vreo trei carti scrise de Joel Dicker . Am constatat ca acest autor a prins bine si la publicul din Romania si il vad destul de des mentionat de persoanele care iubesc sa citeasca. La nivel mondial, scriitorul are un succes rasunator. Face parte (inca) din generatia tanara, fiind nascut in 1985, deci un milenial in toata puterea cuvantului. Cartile sale sunt uneori previzibile, alteori surprind, cert e ca abordeaza subiecte interesante care nu te pot lasa indiferent, iar stilul sau de a scrie captiveaza inca din primele randuri. Se spune ca implinirea varstei de patruzeci de ani este un moment de cotitura si ca multi oameni isi schimba complet viata in jurul acestui moment. Daca e un mit sau adevar, asta ramane de vazut, cert e ca Sophie Braun se pregateste de eveniment iar viata ei pare minunata, luxoasa si implinita. Totul se schimba intr-un mod incredibil. Sotul e cu treburile lui, un vecin face o obsesie pentru...